Our Animals
Our animals are the reason for it all. On our farm we are really interested in bio-diversity from the native animals that live here and the visiting ones to the farmed animals that we keepand breed. we are working on pasture restoration, rotation and allowing the seasonal plants to provide nutritional fodder for our animals. We are working on restoring our creek banks to halt the march of erosion and degradation to restore the natural ways of the creek line.
We are working on building the carbon in our soil by mulching, using natural manure fertiliser and resting our paddocks to give the pastures the rest they need to rejuvenate and return to the productive land this was years ago. Over time and the over-use of synthetic fertilisers, herbicides and insecticides there has been a decreases in pasture fertility and we are working to restore what we can to build it up and keep a harmonious balance. This in turn sustains the health of our animals and supplies us with healthy food products to provide to our family and production shed.
As climate change has already had a significant impact on the region in which we live we are mindful of the future needs on our farm and are preparing to plant more trees. This provided native fauna habitat, shade and provides for future bio-diversity of all manner of creatures and human needs.
Our chooks
Our Cattle